Forgiveness Defined

By: Pastor Harold Cephas
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.
Let’s look at two definitions.
Harper’s Bible Dictionary: a term denoted in the by words that mean ‘send away,’ ‘cover,’ ‘remove,’ and ‘wipe away.
Tyndale’s Bible Dictionary: Pardon, involving restoration of broken relationships; ceasing to feel resentment for wrongs and offenses. Primarily, forgiveness is an act of God, releasing sinners from judgment and freeing them from the divine penalty of their sin. Forgiveness is also a human act extended toward one’s neighbor…
In thinking about forgiveness, it firstly, causes my heart and mind to be thankful. Thankful to Jesus for giving His life in my place (propitiation) for ALL the sins which I have committed in my lifetime. It’s a forgiveness that I still need very much today as long as my body is wrapped with flesh. You are going to need it as well.
I highlighted some items above, but I want to focus on forgiveness which leads to restoration of broken relationships. The original sin (Genesis 3) brought separation between God and man. However, Jesus now brings restoration of that relationship; and you and I are tasked with the same assignment (2 Corinth 5:18-20).
How do we restore relationships with our “neighbor” as mentioned earlier? Well, it’s not always easy for us to operate in this manner. Sometimes we are asked (challenged) to forgive someone multiple times for committing the same offense. The disciples had the very same conversation with Jesus in Luke 17:1-5. Jesus says that it is impossible for there to be no offenses. So, how are we to handle them when they come? If the brother or sister (neighbor) repents (asks for forgiveness), we are to forgive them. Even seven times in the same day! In verse 4 of the ESV it says we “must” forgive them. Matthew 18:21-22 says forgive seventy times seven! Upon hearing this, the apostles said, “Lord, increase our faith!”
Jesus is generous and liberal in forgiving us of all our sins, errors, faults, shortcomings and crazy thoughts. With Him being our example, we should endeavor to do likewise. Especially, for the sake of restoring broken relationships. It’s best if we keep no record or wrongs (1 Co. 13:5). As we go through each day, let’s try and be more deliberate and generous in giving compliments and forgiveness. We can give these any and everywhere, and both are free! However, forgiving may not be our natural response because… So, Lord, increase our faith!